Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blog Question for Week Three

This Week's Blog Question:

Write about someone you look up to.

.....and don't forget to fill out the session survey.

Surveys Weeks 1-3

Here is the link to this quarter's survey:

Please let us know any concerns / questions you have about the program (and don't worry -- they're anonymous!). This program is for you and we want to make sure you get everything you can out of it.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome to LTI Blogging!

Hey everyone!

So this will be the Spring 2009 "home base" for blogging. If everyone becomes a "follower" of this blog through their settings, then we can post reflection questions here and you can all respond on your own personal blogs.

Reflection Question for Week 2:
Write about an issue in your community that you are passionate about.

For this first blog question I'll understand if your answer is short since we didn't give as much time as we usually would for you to respond. But please try to think of something to put down, even if you just write a few sentences. Entries should be posted by this Sunday.

The blog responses to these questions should be posted publicly, or at least so that your classmates and mentors can read them. Feel free to post additional entries privately for your own personal reflection.

Alright, that's it! See you guys Sunday!

- Chris